Explain how antibiotics may cause the production of antibiotic-resistant strands of staphylococcus and other superbugs. How do the organisms adapt? Provide a current-events example.



First, prepare Nutrient Agar media under sterile conditions. Add a pinch of antibiotic, methicillin whose resistance is required in the given bacterium,

Then prepare nutrient agar media plates.

Via spread plate method, plate 0.1ml Staphylococcus on this plate.

Keep inverted in an incubator for 24-36 hours.

Only those bacteria will grow, which have attained resistance to the antibiotic.

Such bacteria are known as a superbug.

Some bacteria create new gene variants (alleles) in their genome if they are exposed to the antibiotic. This phenomenon is called the evolution of new species or species in eukaryotes. In eukaryotes, it is a lengthy process, because of a complex structure of eukaryotes. But since, bacteria are single-celled organisms without membrane-bound organelles; their machinery causing evolution is faster; they will form new variants/strains faster, and will thus adapt faster in comparison to multicellular organisms.


Current events example is: –


Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (short form CRE). It is also known as nightmare bacteria.